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Did You Make a New Year's Resolution to Exercise?

Did You Make a New Year's Resolution to Exercise?

A comprehensive exercise program should include cardiovascular, flexibility, strength, and balance components to insure overall health and wellness. At least 20 minutes each day should be devoted to cardiovascular exercise.  Bicycling, fast walking, elliptical rider, and swimming are common ways of increasing heart rate.  Stretching exercises, especially for the hamstrings, chest, low back, and neck will insure the appropriate muscle length – tension relationship and decrease joint stress.  Strengthening exercises consisting of resisted tubing, free weights, machines, or muscle strengthening exercises will help maintain and improve dynamic muscle strength and overall stability. It is important to utilize the appropriate body mechanics will performing strengthening exercises. Abdominals, buttocks, shoulders, spinal muscles should be strengthened to provide stability to the body and spine.  Balance and proprioceptive exercises are also critical to incorporate into an exercise regime, especially for people over the age of 60.  See our physicians and or physical therapists for a comprehensive evaluation and the prescription of exercise program that meets your individual needs.

Life is too short.  You only have one body; why not take care of it?