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Here is a list of things you should not do if you have arthritis joint pain- David Mack, M.D.

Here is a list of things you should not do if you have arthritis joint pain- David Mack, M.D.
Do not go overboard with exercise
Many people, especially younger patients, who suffer from joint pain tend to push themselves harder in their exercises routines. It is important to exercise, but going overboard can be detrimental as it can further wear down your joints. When you exercise, it is best to avoid heavy weights. Instead, use less weight and perform more reps. Avoid endurance sports like long-distance running. Walking, cycling, or swimming are all good alternatives to demanding exercise.
Do not get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results
It can be very frustrating when you change your routine, become healthier, and/or try new treatments and are still in pain. Try to maintain a positive attitude. Often, you won’t see results right away, but with time you will find a solution to help manage your pain. Maintaining a positive attitude can help you feel better—there really is power to positive thinking.
Do not believe you simply have to live with it
Many patients think that living with joint pain is just a normal part of getting older and that they must simply grin and bear it. This isn’t the case. There are many treatment plans available to help manage joint pain and allow you to enjoy a good quality of life. Don’t think you have to give up your walks with the dog, or gardening, or playing tennis. Medicine has advanced tremendously in the past few decades and it is allowing more patients to maintain a good quality of life.
Do not expect a magic pill
While there has been much advancement in our understanding of arthritis and joint pain, and with it more treatment options available, there is no one simple cure. Often, you will need to work on a plan with your doctor that encompasses
Now that we have learnt what not to do, lets stay tuned to tips for managing Joint Pain With Moderate Exercise and Help From Your Doctor