Wrist & Hand Specialists Practicing in Houston, TX
Numerous bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves must work seamlessly together to power and move the wrist and hand, which are critical for nearly every activity involved in daily living. Due to the complexity of these structures, specialized expertise is often necessary to address wrist and hand injuries.
The wrist and hand specialists at Advanced Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine of Houston
In the Houston, Texas, area, you’ll find medical professionals with the requisite knowledge and experience at Advanced Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine. Our wrist and hand specialists include Bryan J. Mills, M.D., and Ryan E. Blalock, M.D. As orthopedic wrist and hand surgeons, Dr. Mills and Dr. Blalock provide a comprehensive range of treatments – both surgical and conservative – for conditions affecting the wrist or hand, including:
- Arthritis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis
- Dislocations of the fingers and wrist
- Dupuytren’s contracture
- Fractures
- Ganglion cysts
- Mallet finger
- Tendon injuries
- Trigger finger
When to see a wrist and hand specialist
It’s a good idea to consult with a specialist if you experience wrist or hand pain, which may come on suddenly after a traumatic injury or develop gradually through overuse. Other symptoms to watch for include swelling, numbness, tingling sensations, stiffness and muscle weakness. Even if the discomfort is mild or the issue seems trivial, early diagnosis and treatment may resolve it before it becomes a major problem – and possibly help you avoid surgery. This is especially important when you consider that your wrists and hands touch virtually every aspect of your life.
To learn more or schedule an appointment with one of our wrist and hand specialists, Dr. Mills or Dr. Blalock, contact Advanced Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine of Houston, TX, today.