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A Simple Overview of Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair

A Simple Overview of Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair

If you have a rotator cuff injury, everyday activities may become difficult. Simple actions like combing your hair or tucking in your shirt can be painful.

Rotator cuff injuries can occur for many reasons & are often the result of repetitive strain. Any job or activity that requires repeated overhand motions, can lead to this type of injury. Sudden powerful raising of the arm against resistance or in an attempt to cushion a fall. In other cases, a rotator cuff injury may develop due to years of wear and tear.

In this blog, the fellowship-trained shoulder specialists at Advanced Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine will provide an overview of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair.

What is arthroscopy?

So, in simple terms, arthroscopy is defined as looking at the interior of a joint via a camera inserted through a small incision. Using this technique, the camera image is transmitted to a television screen so an orthopedic surgeon can closely examine the joint in great detail. Arthroscopy is used both for surgical procedures as well as for diagnostic purposes.

When is arthroscopic rotator cuff repair recommended?

Not all rotator cuff injuries require surgery, particularly if they’re treated early when symptoms first appear. However, you may be advised to have surgery if your symptoms have persisted for several months without improvement with non-surgical treatment, if you have suffered a severe rotator cuff tear, or if it’s a recent, acute injury or if your daily activities require you to do a lot of overhead reaching.

What does an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair involve?

There are numerous types of rotator cuff repair surgeries. The shoulder specialists at Advanced Orthopaedics will recommend the appropriate procedure depending upon the type of injury you have and your unique needs.

Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair offers several benefits over traditional open shoulder surgery, which may include:

  • Fewer complications
  • Less postoperative pain
  • Faster recovery time

While proper healing and rehabilitation takes time, the arthroscopic procedure usually allows you to return to work, athletics, and daily activities faster than conventional surgery.

How long will recovery take after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair?

While the time frame varies from person to person, arthroscopic rotator cuff repair typically means a recovery period of several months, with immobilization directly following surgery and a guided physical therapy program starting after 2-4 weeks. Most people have a functional range of motion & strength for daily activities by 3 months after surgery and will continue to improve for 6 to 9 more months.

Looking for an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair surgeon in Houston?

Don’t be limited by the pain of a rotator cuff injury. Schedule a consultation at one of Advanced Orthopaedics & Sports Medicines’ numerous practice locations around Houston to get more details about arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, and to learn whether you are a candidate for this procedure.